Dream of child

When I was a child I dreamed to be a teacher. At first I though to be teacher of naturales sciences because I like nature and animals but with the time I realized what I really like is the language, the books and read in general, I loved reading literature and I inmersed in the world of books. In the highschool I made the decition to be a humanist and sometimes I think to be a teacher of literature, maybe some specialization later. But, although I love literature I'm not imagine always to be a teacher, I believe in make changes in another perspectives and not represent to a institution in particular (like the school). The antropology began to be a option when I was in my last year of high school, when I knew about the job that realize the antropology with the culture and the possibility to study indigenuos groups. I felt that I can expand more and even then not necessarily had to separate of  literature, because that surround the world, along with the history. 
My university experience I am aproved right because I love my professional future, I can work to make big changes with particular cases of the groups that can show the life in another vision of the world. I would like to choose the social opcion (social antropology) and made etnographys, show the society so that understand that the social life is everything and with the culture of this groups I begin to develop little changes for more bigger posibilities. 


  1. Teacher is wonderfull job, your personality is really great to teach maybe you teach in the University <3

  2. I wanted to be a teacher when I was child too!! :O


  3. I also wanted to be a teacher !!! Like my dad hahaha


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