Something I would like to learn

Helloo, I think that something that I would like to do more in my free time is learn to paint and learn a language (not only one). I remember that when I was in school my art teacher made us many works of acrylic paintings and I liked doing them a lot, I was not  bad painting but I admit that I did not have the technique, I still do not have it :( I liked to imitate the surrealist drawings of Dalí and paintings of impressionist landscapes, of many colors and shades. It would be nice to learn to work in bigger paintings, to paint with oil for example, or paint murals with different designs like the murals of Valparaíso, even then I admit too that I like more paint than draw, so I prefer that the picture is drawn previously ajaj 
Another thing that I would like to learn is the Mapudungun, I feel that learning a language like that would help me a lot in my career and to understand the Mapuche culture. When we learn languages we get in into the understanding that the society has about your own reality, I feel it's very nice be interested in learning any kind of language because it shows the interest we have in learning the culture of different people and how we can get closer with language and the communications <3 


  1. I agree learning Mapudungun would be very interesting and beneficial in your area of study.


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