
Helloo, I believe that the environmental is better when you share advices with the people, personally I discover more when I came to Santiago because I began to live alone, so for my own count I buy recyclable bags and I reuse the same bottle for not buy others, I would like separated rubbish but I still not how I can do in my own house, normally I walk to go the university in Santiago and in my mother's house I walk too, used the bus and the bike. I think the chilean government is not interested in making a real change because promote solutions that can not change anything about the biggest contamination as that caused by the forest companies or the fishing industries with the abuse of the natural resources in the south of own country, I think that the first change must be that and complement with the education for the people about the damages and consequences of contamination.

I think that the most common items that the people do is not use bags, there are many cities in our country that not use bags for a long time, in specially in areas with a lot foreign people because (in general, not always) they have more conscience in this respect. To protect the environment people can do simple things (I don't know so much to respect) like not buy much plastic, more glass, use the bike or if use the car bringing friends or neighbors, that can be nice and remove a little the individualist thinking, learn to recycle and separated the rubbish, and obviously not throw garbage in nowhere. 

Learn increasingly about this topic can make a better place to live and respect our environment. Thanks for read <3


  1. I think it's so easy to take care of the environment by doing such simple things but people do not do it! :(


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