The job I would like to do in the future

Hello, it's difficult think in a work that I would like to do in a future, but utopianly I think in be a writter of novels. I love write and describe situations and people, write about my friends, love, feelings and personal opinions, the world in general, is a good passtime in my life, but these words is only for me so I imagine that express and attract attention of people with my writings require other abilities . Sometimes I believe that the famous writters are people that born with the talent and I'm really admire for that, there are many amazing novels with the beautiful tecnique and a whole word of imagination that can break the reality. In my opinion the imagination and the ability to represent the true of this world with a interesting plot is the most important for be writter. The satisfaction for me would be that my words touch someone and makes me happy, no pressure, no specific times to complied. 
That might be entertaining travel to write, have a differents experiences, listen historys, describe different places and sound, sensations and people. However we don't have all in this life and I need money and time ajjaja
I hope you will work in the place that you wish, byeee <3 <3 


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