
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2018


Helloo, I believe that the environmental is better when you share advices with the people, personally I discover more when I came to Santiago because I began to live alone, so for my own count I buy recyclable bags and I reuse the same bottle for not buy others, I would like separated rubbish but I still not how I can do in my own house, normally I walk to go the university in Santiago and in my mother's house I walk too, used the bus and the bike. I think the chilean government is not interested in making  a real change because promote solutions that can not change anything about the biggest contamination as that caused by the forest companies or the fishing industries with the abuse of the natural resources in the south of own country, I think that the first change must be that and complement with the education for the people about the damages and consequences of contamination. I think that the most common items that the people do is not use bags, there are many cities in our

Exam practice

Hello people. today I'm going to write about the abilities and mistakes that I have in english. In general the most difficult part for me is vocabulary because I have to associate verbs with complete sentences and I think that I don't have much vocabulary and it's difficult for me choose the correct verb. In the listening I don't understand all the words and the accent confuse me a little (or when talk fast) but and the reading I can do better because I can relation the context of the text.

My favourite serie

Hellooo, today I'm talk about my favourite serie, I love to watch series and it's difficult to say one because all the series I saw it was so entertaining and in the last time I saw many series and movies. For the moment I say that my favourite serie is Breaking Bad, I saw the serie a long time ago so I don't remember to much now but I think that the topic about drugs and the personification of Walter White is amazing <333 I like because the serie give you sensations very hard, the plot it can trap you easily and I think that the life of Walter White and the problems of his family can be dailies, obviously the characters have lifes intense when the topic of drugs comes, but even then plays with the delusions and business about world of drugs. When I discovered the serie was very popular and I saw all the chapters, in that time I was in the highschool and my friends saw the serie too so it was more exciting to commend. I remember that I saw the chapters of the first seas

The job I would like to do in the future

Hello, it's difficult think in a work that I would like to do in a future, but utopianly I think in be a writter of novels. I love write and describe situations and people, write about my friends, love, feelings and personal opinions, the world in general, is a good passtime in my life, but these words is only for me so I imagine that express and attract attention of people with my writings require other abilities . Sometimes I believe that the famous writters are people that born with the talent and I'm really admire for that, there are many amazing novels with the beautiful tecnique and a whole word of imagination that can break the reality. In my opinion the imagination and the ability to represent the true  of this world  with a interesting   plot is the most important for be writter. The satisfaction for me would be that my words touch someone and makes me happy, no pressure, no specific times to complied.  That might be entertaining travel to write, have a differents ex